Club Management & Studio Management on Autopilot

Relief for
the Administration

Ganz gleich ob in der Mitgliederverwaltung oder auf der Trainingsfläche: wiederkehrende Aufgaben vergeuden Ressourcen. Ersetze mit SPORTMEO aufwendige Workarounds und händische Prozesse durch effiziente Abläufe.

Manage Rooms, Locations, or Sports Facilities

Set up different locations for your training offers, e.g., specific rooms, halls, sports fields, branches, or tennis courts. Keep an overview of your capacities, as SPORTMEO checks when setting up courses/training times whether the locations are already occupied at that time.

Who is in which room or sports facility at what time? Your SPORTMEO gives you the answer at any time - with just one click!

Maximum and Minimum Number of Participants

Specify how many participants can register for an appointment/course. Users are shown the maximum and current number of participants (or only traffic light colors if desired). If someone registers for an appointment where all seats are already occupied, they are placed on a waiting list and can move up if necessary - including an automatic notification.

Wird eine eventuell eingestellte minimale Teilnehmeranzahl nicht erreicht, sodass der Kurs bzw. das Training ausfällt, werden Teilnehmer automatisch per Email und SMS darüber informiert.

Regular appointments and training sessions

In addition to one-time appointments, recurring appointments can also be created and optionally defined with a fixed end date. Determine whether they are fixed training groups or if individuals can book independently - as members and/or guests. Should registration only be possible X days before the appointment starts? No problem!

Regular appointments and training sessions App Software
Exclusive pages, downloads, training videos, and livestreams

Create individual menu items that only members with certain subscriptions can access, such as exclusive course materials or training videos.

Combine live streaming with registration for a spot booking and automatically send participants the link to your training session on Zoom, YouTube Live, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams!

Video stream exclusively for members of sports clubs, fitness studios, with online booking/check-in/online reservation
Progress requires change

Experience boundless innovation by migrating to SPORTMEO. There are two ways to manage your members in SPORTMEO: either members register themselves in your SPORTMEO and you approve them as members, or you simply import members from a CSV file! CSV is a universal format that can be generated by many programs, such as ESV (formerly EIS), SPG-Verein, or Magicline.

Switching from membership management software like Magicline and SPG-Verein as an alternative
Automatically post on social media

Be where your members and future members are: let your studio and club news not only appear in your SPORTMEO but also automatically post from there to Facebook, Instagram, or X (formerly Twitter)!

Automatically post on social media
Custom styling, integration into an existing homepage, or as a complete website

A SPORTMEO can be as unique as your club: this starts with a custom web address, such as or, individual emails to users, and even color adjustments and uploading your logo with just a few clicks.

SPORTMEO can optionally be integrated into your existing website - or use it as a complete website! You can also link to specially filtered sports offers in your social media posts, for example, displaying current jazz dance courses via a link. This allows visitors to your website or your followers to register directly for courses!

Styling free app and website for sports clubs and fitness studios
Manage trainers/instructors
Assign trainer status to certain users. Trainers can view participant lists, register and deregister course participants, and record attendance. With SPORTMEO, always keep an overview of all trainers in your club/studio and, for example, show the training hours performed.
Manage trainers/instructors App Software
Advertising display, information display software for free
Reach members and prospects even OFFLINE - via info displays

Forget time-consuming posters and notices that hardly anyone pays attention to: use a smart TV or monitors to display current club news, photos of recent events, today's courses, important dates, or even world news. All automatically generated - from the course and CMS data already entered in your SPORTMEO.

Do you want small monitors hanging in front of your training rooms that automatically display today's courses in that room? That is also possible!

Promote special courses and events with top appointments

By default, appointments and courses are displayed in chronological order and can be filtered by users by location and course type. Additionally, you can highlight certain appointments in color from the other appointments - ideal for promoting special courses and events.

Contemporary, digital course schedule

Define individual colors for different course types or booking types for an even better overview in the weekly schedule and the mobile-optimized list view of your courses/training times.

SPORTMEO automatically creates a daily updated course schedule, filterable individually by you and your members/prospects. If needed, also available as a print version, e.g., for posting in your studio/clubhouse.

Contemporary, digital course schedule Software App