Some call it magic. We call it automation with SPORTMEO.

Focus on the essentials:
your training & your participants

Less work, more sport - let SPORTMEO work for you. With our powerful features and automation processes, time-consuming, manual tasks are a thing of the past.

Goodbye confusing WhatsApp groups, hello automatic participant lists

Fed up with constant RSVPs and cancellations via WhatsApp groups or private messages and emails? With SPORTMEO, your prospects and participants can see your training offerings and register for and, if necessary, deregister from training sessions and courses independently! You determine the registration conditions and until how many minutes before the start a deregistration is possible.

No more flying blind: Course utilization in black and white

You don't know which of your training times are doing well - just from gut feeling? Have your course utilizations analyzed in detail! Anytime with just a tap. Use your resources for (sports) offerings that not only sustain but advance your club / studio.

Cancel trainings and inform participants automatically

Du bist verhindert und konntest für Ersatz sorgen? Prima, dann kannst du deinen Termin einfach dem Ersatztrainer / der Ersatztrainerin zuweisen. Falls nicht, markiere deinen Trainingstermin als ausfallend und SPORTMEO informiert deine TeilnehmerInnen automatisch per Email oder auch per SMS. SMS ist ideal für alle, die die App nicht nutzen (wollen) oder keine mobile Internet­ver­bin­dung haben, denn SMS kommen quasi immer an :)

Stärke deine Stärkens App Software
Strengthen your strengths

Satisfaction has many influencing factors: Thanks to automated processes, you and your fellow trainers have more time to develop further and dedicate yourself to creative tasks. This benefits not only your club / studio but also your self-esteem.

Maximize your potential

The key to more success